About Muscle Valley Performance Products

We started in Kansas City in 1997 by launching the first true growth hormone releasing formula. Needless to say, the reception was crazy. Doctors, trainers, athletes, bodybuilders, they were all eager to try it out. Since that formula was a releaser made from all natural ingredients and didn't contain any growth hormone or anything illegal, most athletes could take it.

We were a small company. We relied on bigger ones for sales and also sales through health professionals. 2 pretty large sports supplement companies private labeled our GH formula. That generated sales of thousands of bottles per month. That lasted for 4 or 5 years. But, like all things, the next big breakthrough came along and the GH popularity declined, especially in the sports market.

Fast forward 15 years. We left KC and moved to the Lake of the Ozarks region. Yes, where the TV show, Ozark, takes place. And GH once again became popular thanks to a couple companies spending millions of dollars on advertising in the anti-aging area. So we rode on the coattails of that advertising and it kind of revived our sales in that market.

Keep in mind, the human body hasn't changed. What worked 20 years ago will still work today, tomorrow and well into the future. Even though so-called breakthroughs come along, GH still does today what it did 20 years ago. Nothing can really compete with a good dose of growth hormone. That's just the way we're made.

A few years ago we tweaked our GH formula to be more effective for building muscle by giving it more tesosterone boosting ability. This is MGF-1...Muscle Growth Factor One. We increased all ingredients to make it an exceptional bodybuilding formula.

